Socratic Lab


Last Updated: January 22, 2024

This Tanka, Inc. ("[we]", "[us]", or "[our]") Acceptable Use Policy (the "[Acceptable Use Policy]") sets out rules to ensure good behavior for the use of (i) Tanka, which is available at; (ii) SocraticLab, which is available at; and (iii) other products, features, apps, services, technologies, and software we offer (collectively, our "[Services]"). By accessing or using our Services, you ("[user(s)]", "[you]", or "[your]") acknowledge you have read and agree to be bound by this Acceptable Use Policy. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Acceptable Use Policy have the meanings ascribed to such terms in our Terms of Service ("[Terms of Service]"). If you have any questions about this Acceptable Use Policy, please contact us here.


This Acceptable Use Policy sets out a list of acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the use of our Services by users. Where you have (or we reasonably believe you have) breached this Acceptable Use Policy, we may, at our discretion, do any or all of the following:

While we will aim to apply this Acceptable Use Policy consistently across all jurisdictions, in some jurisdictions there may be specific requirements under applicable laws which necessitate differing applications of parts of this Acceptable Use Policy. In addition, the laws applicable to the use of our Services are constantly evolving, so please remain alert to changes of laws and rules applicable to users in other jurisdictions. You may contact us here if you have any questions on the actions taken against you in accordance with this Acceptable Use Policy.

Violence and Crime

We prohibit violent, criminal, illegal, or inappropriate content when using our Services. In particular, we aim to ensure that any content which may (in our opinion) constitute a genuine risk of harm or direct threat to public safety are removed as soon as practical. In addition, any content that breaches any applicable laws or regulations will be removed as soon as practical. Such content or behavior may include the following:

We also ban any organizations or persons who are involved in any of the above, including any related coordination or promotion.

Criminal and/or illegal activities in different jurisdictions may include:

Personal Safety

We want to provide a secure and safe environment for all of our users while they are using our Services.

To that end, we prohibit any content or behavior relating to, depicting, promoting or encouraging participation in, or soliciting any of the following:

Protection of Privacy and Private/Confidential Information

We are committed to protecting our users' privacy and private/confidential information and prohibit the sharing or publication of any such information without the relevant user's express consent or other legal basis. Such prohibited behaviors include:

Objectionable Content

We prohibit objectionable content and behavior in the use of our Services. We view objectionable content and behavior as being any content or behavior that is reasonably likely to cause upset and/or distress, either to the subject and/or to the public. This may include, but is not limited to:

Authentic Content and Behavior

We aim to ensure that content and behavior in the use of our Services remains authentic, by attempting to eliminate false news, disinformation, misinformation, false advertising, fraud and security breaches found in our Services. To that end, we prohibit the following content:

Various jurisdictions have implemented laws in this area. We will comply with such laws where required to do so (including governmental requests and court orders made in accordance with such laws).

Misuse of Our Services

We prohibit misuse of our Services, as well as any use of our Services that infringes (or potentially infringes) on our rights, or otherwise is technically disruptive of our Services. This includes:

Regulated Goods and Services

In various jurisdictions, certain goods and services may be illegal, or they may only be distributed and/or sold subject to qualifications and restrictions. We acknowledge that different jurisdictions may treat various goods and services differently. This needs to be balanced against our aim of applying this Acceptable Use Policy fairly and consistently for all users internationally. Therefore, in some circumstances, we may entirely prohibit the sale or distribution of certain items. In other circumstances, we may permit such sale or distribution, subject to certain restrictions as issued by us (e.g., age or geographical limit). Such restrictions will take into account applicable laws and guidelines and may be updated by us from time to time at our sole discretion.

Such items may include:

Our Treatment of Intellectual Property Rights and Other Content

We take intellectual property rights seriously, and always aim to ensure that the use of our Services complies with all applicable intellectual property rights-related laws and regulations. We may at any time remove any content that infringes upon a party's intellectual property and/or other proprietary rights.

In addition to the requirements set forth in our Terms of Service, we comply with the following requests (subject to applicable laws and in accordance with relevant policies of our Services):

Promotional Content

We prohibit promotional content on our Services, where (i) a person or entity has not paid us for such promotional content (including any relevant advertisements) to be displayed on our Services; or (ii) the relevant promotional content does not comply with any applicable laws or regulations. This prohibition encompasses a range of promotional content, including but not limited to promotional political content, promotional medical content, and any other promotional content that does not meet the aforementioned criteria.

"Promotional political content" includes, but is not limited to, any promotional content regarding (i) a candidate for an election; a political party; or any elected or appointed government official (and an "election" includes an election, referendum or political ballot); or (ii) a law, regulation or judicial outcome, including changes to any such matter. In addition, we do not accept promotional political content from or paid for by a candidate for an election; a political party; or any elected or appointed government official. Promotional political content may include the following: (a) appealing for votes for an election; (b) appealing for financial support for a political purpose; (c) appealing for changes to a law, regulation or judicial outcome; and (d) advocacy for or against any subject matter of promotional political content.

"Promotional medical content" includes, but is not limited to, any promotional content regarding (w) a healthcare professional or facility; (x) a medical treatment or procedure, or any pharmaceutical product; (y) solicitation of financial support for medical research or healthcare initiatives; and (z) any form of promotion for or against medical treatments, procedures, or pharmaceutical products.

We acknowledge that different jurisdictions have various laws governing promotional content. We will comply with such laws where required to do so, including the maintenance of information regarding advertisements and disclosure of such information to relevant regulatory authorities. In addition, governmental authorities may require the removal of promotional content in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We will continue to review this area and will consider implementing country-specific or other restrictions or qualifications from time to time. We will notify our users where we implement such restrictions or qualifications.

How to Contact Us

Please contact us by emailing us or submitting feedback within our Services (as indicated below) to report any breaches (or potential breaches) of this Acceptable Use Policy, or if you have any other questions regarding this Acceptable Use Policy.

For Tanka UsersFor SocraticLab Users
Please email us at You may also submit feedback through Tanka by navigating to the “Me” icon and clicking “Help & Feedback.” When submitting feedback, please include a description and/or screenshot.Please email us at You may also submit feedback through SocraticLab by navigating to the “Account” button, clicking “Settings,” and then selecting “Feedback.” When submitting feedback, please include a description and/or screenshot.