Hackers stole limited information from AMD, including specifications used to assemble certain AMD products, during a recent cyberattack. AMD launched an investigation after reports that an organization called Intelbroker had breached its systems. The company believes the data breach will not have a material impact on its business or operations.
AMD launched an investigation into the cyberattack after reports emerged that an organization called Intelbroker had breached its systems. The company found that hackers made off with limited information, and the infiltration is not expected to have a significant impact on its operations.
AMD responded to the recent cyberattack by investigating the claims and working closely with law enforcement officials and a third-party hosting partner6. The company found that hackers made off with limited information during the attack and believe that the infiltration won't have a significant impact on its operations. AMD stated that the breach involved a limited amount of information related to specifications used to assemble certain AMD products from a third-party vendor site.