Apple is reportedly seeking larger OLEDoS panels, ranging from 2.0 to 2.1 inches in size, with a display density of around 1,700 pixels per inch (PPI). These displays would be larger but with a lower resolution compared to the Vision Pro's 1.42-inch screen and nearly 3,400 PPI.
Apple's lower resolution OLEDoS panels could be intended for a new, lower-cost mixed reality headset2. This cost-effective design may be achieved by tethering the headset to an iPhone or Mac, eliminating the need for an expensive processor. The lower-cost Apple Vision headset could launch as soon as the end of next year.
Apple's new focus in headset development is on creating a more affordable mixed reality headset, likely positioned below the Vision Pro. The company is exploring new suppliers for OLED-on-Silicon panels and evaluating larger displays with lower resolution for this upcoming device. This lower-cost headset may be designed to tether to an iPhone or Mac, eliminating the need for a costly processor, and could launch as soon as the end of next year.