The joint learning system reduces human workload by allowing human operators to share control of the robot's end-effector with an assistive agent. As data accumulates, the assistive agent learns from the human operator, gradually reducing the human's workload. This shared control mechanism ensures efficient data collection with less human adaptation required.
Teleoperating a robot arm presents challenges such as high dimensionality, complex motions, and differences in physiological structure between humans and robots2. These challenges make it difficult for human operators to control the robot arm effectively, especially when using traditional teleoperation systems that require extensive practice and adaptation. Additionally, ensuring precise control and dexterity in manipulation tasks adds to the complexity of teleoperation.
Reinforcement learning techniques enhance robot adaptability by enabling them to learn from experience and adjust their actions to maximize rewards in dynamic environments. This improves decision-making, path planning, and overall performance, leading to more efficient and effective robotic systems.