Avowed, an upcoming RPG from Obsidian Entertainment, is expected to have a similar length to the studio's previous game, The Outer Worlds3. The main story of The Outer Worlds can be completed in just over 13 hours, while side content doubles that amount to around 26 hours1. Avowed's length will depend on the difficulty setting and how thoroughly players explore and engage with the content.
Avowed and Deadfire share a tonal similarity in their storytelling. Both games feature a grounded and serious political story, with a layer of weird, esoteric, metaphysical, and divine elements underneath2. The narratives include moments of seriousness and levity, often character-based, providing a mix of tones that make the games engaging and immersive.
In Avowed, the difficulty level affects the gameplay experience by altering the challenge posed by enemies and situations. Higher difficulty levels will require players to strategize more effectively, utilize a wider range of abilities, and carefully manage resources. On easier difficulty settings, players can expect a more forgiving experience that focuses on exploration and story progression.