Boom Supersonic jet facility opening in Greensboro, brings 2,400 jobs to region
How many jobs is the Boom Supersonic jet facility expected to create in Greensboro, and what is the average salary for these positions?

The Boom Supersonic jet facility in Greensboro is expected to create 2,400 jobs by 2032. The average salary for these positions is around $69,000 per year.
What is the projected timeline for the assembly, testing, and launching of the first jet from the new facility?

The projected timeline for the assembly, testing, and launching of the first jet from the new Boom Supersonic facility in Greensboro is as follows:
- Assembly line setup: The Overture airliner manufacturing and assembling facility is set up first, which is expected to be completed in 2024.
- Production begins: The assembly line will be underway in 2025, with the first jet expected to be built during this time.
- Testing phase: The first jet is projected to take flight in 2026. Testing will continue to ensure the jet's safety and functionality.
- Commercial flights: Testing should be complete and flights ready for passengers by 2029.
This timeline may be subject to change depending on various factors such as production progress, testing results, and other unforeseen circumstances.
What are the dimensions of the new Boom Supersonic facility, and how is the space allocated between manufacturing and office use?

The new Boom Supersonic facility, the Overture Superfactory, covers a total area of 174,000 square feet. The space is allocated between manufacturing and office use, with 150,000 square feet dedicated to the final assembly line for Overture flight tests and customer delivery, and an additional 24,000 square feet designated as office space24.