The 1930 novel "Last and First Men" was authored by British writer Olaf Stapledon. The novel is a work of science fiction that presents a future history of humanity, spanning two billion years and eighteen distinct human species.
Conversational Swarm Intelligence (CSI) is underpinned by the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in a novel framework that structures large-scale conversations. It combines the benefits of small-group deliberative reasoning and large-group collective intelligence. The CSI structure simultaneously enables local dialog among small deliberative groups and global propagation of conversational content across a larger population, allowing for more effective real-time deliberations2.
The main theme of VentureBeat Transform 2024 is exploring the latest advancements and applications of Generative AI (Gen AI) in various industries. The event will bring together enterprise leaders, experts, and top executives to discuss the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI technologies into their businesses. Attendees can expect to gain essential insights about Gen AI and expand their professional network during this three-day event.