RPA tools were initially over-hyped in the market due to market confusion about AI and misconceptions about robotic intelligence1. These tools were viewed as a gateway to more intelligent capabilities, and adding AI capabilities to them became easier every day. This led to inflated expectations and hype surrounding RPA.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is primarily used for automating repetitive, rules-based tasks that were previously done by humans, such as data entry, file transfers, and form filling. It aims to streamline workflows, reduce errors, and increase efficiency in various industries and business functions.
The Levels of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) range from Level 0 to Level 3, similar to the levels of autonomous vehicle capability. Level 0 signifies no automation, while Level 1 involves basic automation with some human intervention. Level 2 includes AI systems that can intelligently discover and define processes and handle some exceptions without human intervention. Level 3 represents fully autonomous and adaptive systems that can optimize processes and handle constant changes and exceptions. Most organizations currently operate at Level 0 or Level 1.